Tuesday, 21 August 2012

A Day When We Can't Be Together

Forever~ <3

I Think I....

I think I've ran out of good things to post. 
Everything is just awful nowadays. 
What happened to my fairytales? 

Sunday, 19 August 2012


Okay, so I'm really really sorry for disappearing like that.
But not to worry!
HANNAH IS HERE!!! (yesh, my middle name's Hannah. Ironic, ain't it?)
Posts will be flooding in on 3...2...1...

Thursday, 9 August 2012


I almost wished that you kissed me today
I almost wished that I could talk to you today
I almost wished that you hugged me today
I almost wished that I smiled at you today
I almost wished that you said "I love you"

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Scars On Everyone

Omnomnomnomnom...OH SHIT MY WEIGHT

To Ellie And Michelle's Future Boyfriend:

Sorry For Being Absent

Sorry for being absent these past few days.

Grr...I haven't found a single fairytale moment so far.

I've just been cutting, sleeping, studying, crying over people, and...well being me. =)
But still will try to stay tuned here. 
Also, I'll be opening up another new blog. =D 

Will be posting in 3...2...1....

Monday, 30 July 2012

Le New Blog


I just opened up a new blog right here: 

It's filled with stuff I fangirl about...majority is Harry Potter, but oh well. =D 
Check it out (that was not a suggestion, it was a demand. DO IT NOW) 

Thank you for letting me waste your time on completely useless crap

RAWR OUT: Daydreamer

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Don't Let Me Go

No Matter

No matter how sad I am about what might happen
Whenever I see you, I'm just like 

You Are My World

Don't You Just Love These?

He's Very Handsome

Whenever I see him and I'm just like:

Ronald Weasley


The Little Mermaid

I feel like I'm five-years-old again. =) 

This Is Unbelievably Cute

I Smiled At This

All Seven Novels

I have stuck with Harry Potter until the end <3

You're All I Think About

I Hope

Friday, 27 July 2012

My Whole Story

I want to tell you my whole story. 
I want to tell you what happened to me.
I want to tell you what ruined my life.  
I want to tell you why my parents doesn't trust me guys.
I want to tell you what happened.


It's the darkness inside yourself that you should be afraid of

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

No Matter How Many People Are Around

I can be surrounded by millions and millions of people and still feel alone. 
I can be in a sea of people and yet still feel alone.


What Do You Think?

Do they think "Attention seeker"?
Or maybe "Emo"?
Or maybe "Drama queen"? 
Or maybe "Stupidity"? 

What do people think when they see these lines on me?
What do you think?

I Am Sorry

I am sorry for existing in your life
I am sorry to everyone
I am sorry for existing

The Same Girl

"Be the Karisse who's always laughing, who is loving, who is crazy, 
who is happy. Be you again." 
She says.

But the truth is...that's me being fake. 
When I'm sad, miserable, and crying...that's who I really am. 
One broken person with scars on her.

Not Okay

Maybe tomorrow or the day after that
Maybe next week or the week after that
Maybe next month or the month after that
Maybe next year or the year after that
But not today

Scarred Forever

Best Lie I Ever Pulled Off:

Just these two words and they believe it. 
But sometimes I wish they didn't. 
I wish they hugged me and told me that know that I'm broken inside. 
Hugged me and told me that they know that I cry every night. 
Hugged me and told me that they do care about me. 
Hugged me and told me that they loved me.

I Know Exactly How It Feels


Monday, 23 July 2012

He Forgot My Husbands

He forgot to bring my husbands back to me